
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Mashairi ya Mrisho Mpoto na maswala ya maendeleo

Wakati mwingine napenda sana kuzikiliza maishairi ya mrisho Mpoto. Lakini mwisho wa mwaka jana nilikuwa nae laivu na kupata maneno yake matamu. moja ni kuhusu sisi waafrika kuwashobokea sana wazungu na lingine ni swala la brain drain. hitimisho la maneno yake lilikuwa kama sisi waafrika tunataka kuendelea basi hatuna budi kufanya kazi kwa bidii, uaminifu na kwa kutumia busara ilikiwa ni pamoja na kulinda rasilimali za nchi kama vile madini, wanyama pori lakini pia kuhakikisha rasilimali hizi zinawanufahisha watannzania wote bila kujali kabila, rangi, kipato, mrengo wa siasa na mengine mengi yanayoweza kuwatenganisha watu

Afrika Mashariki Ughaibuni

wakati mwingine inafurahisha mnapokutana majirani mbali na nyumbani na kutafakari mustakabadhi wa nchi zenu.
picha hiyo hapo juu tulikuwa tunasaka rumba kutafakari ni jinsi gani twaweza kuleta maendeleo Afrika mashariki

Monday, April 19, 2010

Kuchangia njaa na mafuriko hapana ila CCM tunachangia

Wadau hii sijui imekaaje, CCM badala ya kuhamasisha wananchi wachangie shughuli za maendeleo kama vile Afya, Elimu na Kilimo wenyewe wapo mstari wa mbele kuchangia pesa za uchaguzi. mimi ningefikiri wangehamasisha wananchi kuchangia maafa kilosa, Mbagala na matatizo mengine ya kijamii. Tuamke sasa tuache kuchangia chama, harusi na tuchangie maendeleo. Mimi nimeaanza tayari kwa kuwapeleka watoto kama 3 hivi course ya Procurement and stores administration. Natoa onyo kwa watakaokuja kwangu sitachangia Harusi wala chama chochote eti pesa za uchaguzi.


Wadau kuna fursa nyingi za kusoma short course REPOA. Zimetangazwa nyingi mojawapo ikiwa ni ya Participatory research methods. kwa maelezo zaidi soma utapata taarifa kamili. ila wahi mapema kwani deadline ni 23rd April. kesho kutwa tuu.
kila la heri waombaji.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

policies to implement kilimo kwanza

If kilimo kwanza is to succeed government need to take into consideration some of key policies that need to be implemented.
1. credit facilities to farmers in terms of soft loans to enable them purchase needed capital .
2. suporting of private sector and especially partnership between development actors in the sector
3. use of more efficient methods of production especially use of farmers group to easy provision of extension services to farmers
4. diversification of the economy by improving agricultural industries.
5. use of buffer stocks and buffer funds in order to stabilize agricultural prices
6. prompt payments to farmers should be facilitated.
7. diversification of market to non-traditional markets and by regional intergration efforts
8. where funds are available, marginal lands should be irrigated in order to reduce pressure on fertile land and to delay the operation of the law of diminishing returns
9. research facilities should be developed to increase crop output and improve crop quality. reduce the shelve research reports. this means research findings should be disserminated for use by intended consumers of research results.
10. research, farmers and extensionist linkage should also be imrpoved.
11. The promotion and support of innovators farmers as well as supporting dissermination of their knowledge and skills .


I have been asking my self a lots of questions regarding applicability of the policy of kilimo kwanza. It is better for the government to understand clearly the problems that agriculture face and set some strategies to overcome them. Let me highlights some of the problems.
1. Discovery of synthetic products that has reduced demand for agricultural commodities like sisal.
2. seasonality of agricultural sector
3. Vulnerable of the sector to natural disasters such as floods, drought, diseases and pests that lead to fluactuation of agricultural output
4. subsistence farming and lack of necessary capitaland resources to implement modern agriculture
5. market channels of agricultural products are inefficiency and inadequate.
6.use of inefficient traditional methods of production such as land fragmentation which limitsd increase in production.
7.protectionist barriers such as tarriffs from developed country markets.
8. the sector is subject to the law of diminishing returns.
9. price fluctuation.
10. production of biofuel.

TCU na njia mpya ya udahili vyuoni

Natanguliza pongezi zangu kwa TCU kwa utaratibu huu mpya wa udahili vyuoni. hii itarahisisha kupunguza udanganyifu wa vyeti. lakini TCU wanatakiwa kuwahakikishia watoto wa wakulima ambao mara nyingi makazi yao ni vijijini watadahiliwa vipi wakati hawana simu na pia inawezekana hata wazazi wao hawana simu? pia kuna swala la upatikanaji wa network, sehemu nyingine network hakuna mfano morogoro vijijini eneo la kibungo juu bado simu nyingi hazipati mtandao. najua zipo changamoto nyingi hivyo wadau wa elimu hatuna budi kuziangalia na kuja na mikakati ya jinsi ya kutatua changamoto hizo. pamoja na changamoto hizo ninaomba niseme huo ni mwanzo mzuri na hongereni TCU

Monday, April 12, 2010

matembezi ya hisani kusaidia matatizo ya maji

Wadau jpili ijayo kutakuwa na matembezi kwa ajili ya kutafuta namna ya kutatua matatizo ya maji ulimwenguni. Tuchukue fursa hii kujitadhimini shughuli zetu zenye kuharibu vyanzo vya maji na kuweka mikakati ya kufanya vyanzo hivyo viwe endelevu. tunatakiwa kujiuliza wapi tumetoka, tupo wapi na tunakwenda wapi katika swala la utunzaji wa vyanzo vya maji.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Wakati tunaendelea kujadiliana na kujipanga kufaidika na jumuia ya Afrika mashariki watani wetu wa jadi kenya wameenda mbali zaidi na kuweka mpango wa kujenga Airport huko Taveta km 8 tu kutoka mpaka wa Holili na km 80 kutoka KIA. Ujenzi huo utagharimu tsh. 170 billioni (10 Bilioni kshs.
pata habari kamili kupitia

Friday, April 9, 2010

Practical tips for care givers for PLWHAs

There are some tips that need to be followed by care giver for people living with HIV/AIDS
1. treat PLWHAs with dignity and respect
2. listen
3. respect their need for confidentality and privacy
4. listen them and know that it is okay to talk about their feelings or show anger.
5. Ask to visit or to show anger.
6. Ask to visit or do things together, do not ignore them and stay away.
7. Share your concerns and feelings. do not pretend that everthing is normal.
8. if a person is sick, offer to shop/cook/clean and do not wait to be asked.
9. Help them take their medication and seek treatment on time
10. Do not allow them to become isolated.
11. tell them about other services that amy be available in the community.
It is my hope that those interested with this tips will find it useful.

Practical tips for care givers for PLWHAs

There are some tips that need to be followed by care giver for people living with HIV/AIDS

1. treat


For people taking care of people living with HIV/AIDS they need to take care of the sick considering the following in order to make their work succesful.
1. dont fear or falter, touch, hug, share food and be together socially
2. maintain confidentality, respect their wishes.
show your concerns, affection and love.
3. if sick, help out with cooking, shopping, getting medication, cleaning or simply talking about his/her feelings
4. Address stigmatization and discrimination at the workplace, create awareness about the rights in the workplace of PLWHAS.
5. Advocate for bevahiour and conduct that are supportive of PLWHAS.

causes of discriminationa of PLWHIV/AIDS

Discrimination for people with HIV/AIDS are caused by many factors, major one being the following:
1. A pressumption that those who are infected lack morality
2. Racism, homophobia, class differences and sexism.
3. law and social norms that reflect prejudice, fears and biases.
4. misguided fears of catching the virus through social contact

Thursday, April 8, 2010

vita vya wenyewe kwa wenyewe Afrika

Wadau nimekuwa nikijiuliza kila siku kwa nini mara nyingi vita vya nchi za kiafrika haviishi? na kwanini nchi ninazopigana ni zile zenye rasilimali muhimu kama vile mafuta na madini kwa wiki angalia Sudan, Nigeria, Kongo, nchi zote hizi zina rasilimali nilizozitaja hapo juu. na mara nyingi kuna nchi inakuwa nyuma ya vita hivyo . wadau naomba mchango wenu kuhusu hili.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

other blogs

machapisho mbalimbali

Wadau kwa yeyote anayetaka kupata makabrasha ya kumsaidia katika utafiti wake basi asisite kupitia kugoogle Eldis website kwani waweza kudownload makabrasha kwa bure kabisa.

karibuni wadau

Wadau katika magazeti tando. nachukua fursa hii kuwakaribisha katika gazeti langu tando kujumuika nami katika kupeana taarifa na kuelimishana. huu ni uwanja wa watanzania na wasiyo watanzania wenye nia na mapenzi mema na nchi yetu. kwa pamoja tunaweza kuleta mabadiliko katika jamii yetu. mabadiliko hayo yaweza kuwa ya kiuchumi, kijamii, kitamaduni na kisiasa

Kumbukumbu ya Karume

Ndugu na jamaa naomba tuchukue fursa na muda huu kutafakari na kutekeleza kwa vitendo yale mema aliyoacha marehemu Karume miaka takribani 37 iliyopita.