
Wednesday, October 20, 2010



Clare College invites applications for stipendiary Junior Research Fellowships, two in an arts subject and one in a science subject. The Fellowships will normally be tenable for three years from 1 October 2011.

To access the Junior Research Fellowship application system, you are required to register. This enables you to save your application and revisit/edit it before submitting it, or to check the status of your application. It is recommended that you register as soon as possible.

Applications and referees' reports must be received by 5pm on 13 December 2010. Incomplete applications will NOT be accepted. Please make sure that your application and your referees' reports reach us before the closing date. Register by clicking here.

Eligibility Requirements:

Application for a Junior Research Fellowship is open to candidates in any discipline. There are two Fellowships available in the Humanities, and one in the Sciences. The three successful candidates selected by Clare College will have an excellent record of research in their chosen subject and the potential to pursue that research at the highest level.

Applications are invited from candidates who must have completed no more than four years' full time research in the Humanities, or no more than five years' full time research in the Sciences by 1 January 2011. For further details regarding the Eligibility Requirements, please click here.

Statements of research are required, and should be not more than 1,000 words, outlining the work candidates would submit in support of their application and the research they propose to pursue if elected. Please note that the statement will be read by people outside as well as inside the candidate's own discipline and should therefore be intelligible to scholars in other subjects.

Dissertations are not required at this stage, but it is essential to have written work readily accessible, because those candidates whose applications are short-listed for further assessment will be invited by 1 February 2011 to submit a copy of their chosen written work electronically, plus two hard copies, which should be received at Clare College no later than 5pm 4 February 2011. Please ensure that your contact details on your application are kept updated at that time (preferably giving your e-mail, mobile, or telephone details).

The College is concerned with the quality, rather than quantity, of the work submitted but, in order that an informed assessment may be made, it is important that sufficient material be available. As a rough guide, it is recommended that the work for submission to external assessors should be about 20,000 words (or about one quarter the length of a PhD thesis).

Submitted work should normally be written in English. If candidates are intending to submit work in a foreign language, they should give notice by indicating this on their application where they enter the title of the work.

In addition to submitting written work, short-listed sciences candidates will be asked to provide a statement by 25 February 2011, on headed notepaper and signed by the prospective Head of Department, signifying his/her willingness to accommodate the Junior Research Fellow, if elected. In cases where short-listed candidates are not already in contact with the Department, the College will provide assistance in initiating discussions with the Head of Department.

Applications, including two referees' reports, must be submitted online by 5pm on 13 December 2010.

Fellowship Details:

Stipends are at present payable on the University's salary scale, starting at spine point 39 (£27,183). However, £5,327 per annum will be deducted if resident in College. The stipend will increase by one spine point each year. The payment of an increment after the first year is conditional upon the PhD having been awarded.

The stipend of Research Fellows who are in receipt of financial support from other sources will be by arrangement, in the light of individual circumstances. All Research Fellows are entitled to lunch and dinner in Hall free of charge, up to ten meals a week.

Research Fellows may join the University's Superannuation Scheme.

The College may grant up to £1,000 in any one academic year for travel in connection with attendance at conferences and for essential research work, and up to £2,000 towards the cost of purchasing IT equipment.

Research Fellows are members of the Governing Body and are expected to participate in the governance and social life of the College. Research Fellows may undertake up to six hours' teaching a week in University Term.

Application Timetable:

The application process begins on 4 October 2010.

Applications and two reports from independent referees, both of whom should be familiar with the candidate's research work, must be submitted through the web site, and received by the College by 5pm on 13 December 2010. One of these referees should normally be the supervisor. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.

Candidates will be short-listed by 1 February 2011.

Elections will be made no later than 16 March 2011.

Successful candidates will enter into their Fellowships on 1 October 2011.


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