
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

PhD Scholarship

Dear all,

The call for applications for doctoral research under the AgTraIn

(Agricultural Transformation by Innovation) programme has opened. The

research topics for this year are:

1.. Analysis and modeling of interactions between small-scale dairy

farmers and dairy processors in an Andean valley (Mantaro, Peru)

2.. Assessing and exploiting the biocontrol potential of contrasting

landscapes for ecologically sound production chains.

3.. Biogas digestate recycling as crop fertilizer - impacts on crop

production, livelihood and environment quality.

4.. Cassava virus pandemic in East/Central Africa and the role of vector


5.. Dynamics of multi-stakeholder innovation processes.

6.. Effects of irrigation and fertilization strategies on water and

nutrients use efficiency and carbon retention in the soil-plant system.

7.. Environmental efficiencies and controversies: Yield intensification in

oil palm production systems of South-east Asia.

8.. Exploring multi-scale synergies and trade-offs among productivity,

biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services in agroforestry systems.

9.. For a sustainable family agriculture in the former homelands of South

Africa: What are the perspectives through eco-agriculture?

10.. Highland banana in Ugandan Farming Systems - Opportunities for

Ecological Intensification. Recognizing the capacity of farmers to innovate

in the face of local and global environmental risks.

11.. Integration of youth into African smallholding agriculture:

challenges, impact and prospects of changing conditions.

12.. Potential of carbon sequestering landscapes as climate change

mitigation and productivity enhancing intervention.

13.. Potential of household farming systems to improve family food

security in the high Andean regions.

14.. Recognizing the capacity of farmers to innovate in the face of local

and global environment risks.

15.. Recycling of urban solid wastes for local production of vegetables.

16.. Role of Local Knowledge in multi-stakeholder innovation processes.

17.. Modeling interactions between water management, farm management and

agri-food supply chains management at scheme level. Case study in Morocco.

18.. The economic and social impacts of microfinance services in

agribusiness development for small and medium-sized enterprise in developing


19.. The potential of Producers Organisations to ensure sustainable and

equitable coffee production.

20.. Unlacing creativity for agribusiness development: designing, testing

and evaluating soft technologies for Small and Medium-sized enterprise

innovation in developing economies.

21.. Plant secondary compounds in small ruminant feeding: an alternative

to drugs for improving animal metabolic state and product quality in low

input farming systems.

22.. Agrobusiness incubators for development.

You will note that there are several on innovation systems and the knowledge

and creativity of smallholders, including youth.

Please go to the webite for more information about the

research topics and the application procedures and details about


The deadline for applications is 22 November 2010, so don't wait. There will

be only 10 scholarships this year, so competition will be fierce.



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